2018 SBF CSA Week #1

Hi All!  And once again, welcome to Shared Bounty Farm!  The season is finally here!  We were beginning to wonder when it was still cold well into April.  We had a restful winter, but have kicked off this spring hungry and energized.  This week’s cooler includes some beautiful and nutrient-rich rainbow swiss chard.  This is our first season growing our swiss chard crop in a high tunnel.  High tunnels do not have any artificial heat source and crops are grown directly in the soil just like out in open fields.  However, a high tunnel is highly beneficial in that it keeps crops protected from wind and hard rainfall.  Swiss chard has extremely delicate leaves which fall victim to becoming wind burnt very easily, so we found a high tunnel offered a great growing environment for swiss chard.

Also, we want to share with each of you our harvesting process here at Shared Bounty.  When we harvest the produce each week, we are very mindful of the environment and the quality and care of the crops.  We want to make sure we are sharing the freshest and most nutrient-rich produce possible.  So to achieve this goal, we do as little processing as possible.  Processing is mainly defined as washing when speaking of raw produce, so yes, you will find healthy soil on some of your produce.

We hope each of you enjoy your first cooler of 2018!  If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns please shoot us an email or give us a ring.

As always, thank you for supporting local agriculture and Shared Bounty Farm!



-spring onions

-rainbow swiss chard


-easter egg radishes

-bibb lettuce


SPOTLIGHTED RECIPES (please click on the highlighted text to view the recipe)  You will also find many more recipes by clicking on this link – https://www.sharedbounty.com/category/recipes/

Stuffing your swiss chard leaves is a delicious way to utilize this item.

The perfect salad as part of a weeknight dinner!

These rhubarb bars will awaken your taste buds.


*Projected Cooler Contents* (please remember that this is simply a projected list and is subject to changes)

rainbow swiss chard, lettuce, rhubarb, spring onions, radishes, thyme, asparagus