2019 SBF CSA Week #3

Who likes a hail storm?
Definitely not kohlrabi! These are the same plants as the first picture. The first picture was taken a week before the second. There were a handful of plantings that got destroyed by the 1″ hail we had last Saturday evening, but, as always, it could have been worse.


  • strawberries
  • chioggia beets
  • Italian basil
  • slicing tomatoes
  • leeks
  • zucchini
  • sugar snap peas
  • asparagus

RECIPES FOR THE WEEK (click on the highlighted link to view the entire recipe)

Individuals of all ages will be grabbing for one or five of these zucchini chips.

An easy and delicious leek and tomato pasta dish.


*Projected Cooler Contents* (please remember that this is simply a projected list and is subject to changes)

  • strawberries, asparagus, kale, beets, basil, tomatoes, leeks, snow peas